美屬薩摩亞鮪罐概況 美國海底雞公司 (COS) 同意將旗下的美屬薩摩亞鮪罐廠轉給三海國際公司(Tri-Marine International)經營;協議中明訂美屬薩摩亞政府需提供三海商務中心免關稅優惠。COS已於2009年9月30日關閉僱用超過2,000名勞工的薩摩亞罐頭廠。2007年聯邦法令規定該領地最低薪資需比照每小時7.25美元標準調升,不僅導致COS去年退出美屬薩摩酒店經紀亞,連帶StarKist罐頭廠決定今年要解雇800名勞工。本應於2010年10月7日生效,為罐頭廠勞工爭取每小時最低薪資調升0.5美元至5.26美元的法案,在歐巴馬總統簽署的最後一刻決定面膜暫緩執行調升美屬薩摩亞今年及後年的最低薪資。(摘譯自INFOFISH Trade News, No. 19/2010)USA: Chicken of the Sea International (COS) has agreed to transfer its 會場佈置closed tuna cannery in American Samoa to Tri MarineInternational. The COS Samoa Packing plant was closed on Sept.30, 2009, costing the jobs of more than 2 000 室內設計workers. As partof the agreement, the government of American Samoa is also providing Tri Marine a tax exemption. When COS pulled out ofAmerican Samoa last year, 襯衫it cited a 2007 federal law that mandated annual minimum wage hikes in the territory until the federalminimum wage of US$ 7.25 an hour was reached. The law was 有巢氏房屋also cited by StarKist Co. in its decision to lay off 800 workersfrom its cannery this year. The latest US$50-cent hike was to have taken effect on 7 October 結婚2010, bringing the minimum wagefor cannery workers to US$5.26 an hour. But at the last minute, President Barack Obama signed into law a delayingimplementation 土地買賣of the wage hike in American Samoa this year and next.

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